Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 8 Tuesday 10-06-09

First ride. I got a ride from Jessica's uncle Marc to the Walnut Creek BART station. He gave me two bananas and $25.

I rode the BART and I got all the way to San Jose for $7.25 with BART and another bus. I got dropped off at the Greyhound station and it was going to be $50 to get to LA. I had $24, and needed $26 in an hour and a half. So I went out, and got $5 by asking around. But I gave up after a while. I started walking down the street to 101, and a guy stopped me and asked for a lighter. I let him use it, and we started talking about traveling, and the economy, and all this stuff. It was good to talk to someone besides myself. I got to the ramp, and it didn't look promising. I looked at prices for flying to LAX and it was close to the price of the bus, but a lot quicker. So I walked to the closest bus stop, got on the bus, went to the CalTrain station, got a ride to the closest BART station, and headed for the airport. While on the trip I asked my dad for some money to be put in my account, and booked my flight. I got to the airport, and they said i couldn't check in until the next day. So I went back out, rode the BART to Pittsburg, and back, which was 3 hours worth. Just killing time so I could come back closer to midnight to get my ticket and check in.

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